Saying good-bye is the hardest word to say. 42days flew so fast!there are not just friends, but family. we came from different country, with different culture and different language. we met in Lviv, for same the project, live together, to get to know each other, and be tolerant. how lucky i am meet those awesome people here, in Lviv.
I am having a good time with good people, here.
but in every Hellos there will be a Good-bye in the end. i hate to say Good-bye to people that i love the most, i hate to hold the tears and i hate to know that distance is the biggest problem of it now and i hate that can't hug them for the last time in the railway station. it was a saddest goodbye :(
They are who i love the most, and they're who always be with me.
There are some people in life that make you laugh a little louder, smile a little bigger, and just live a little better.
My lovely brazilian brother, my savior. Bruno, is the loveliest person i've ever met. he has not a negative thinking to people. he's so lovely, even i ever broke his favorite knife but he never get angry with me. he such a wise person. Bruno likes to fix anything, but he can't fix my broken heart (Bru, i've asked you to fix it. haha) who doesn't loves Bruno? everybody loves him. he knows when i got a bit upset of something, even i didn't say it and even everyone didn't noticed it. he just looked into my eyes and said "laras, are you okay?". oh Bru, i will miss you when we did mimic game and you showed those Nemo face, i will miss you when we sang Spice Girl - Wanna be, i will miss your hug and kiss on my cheek. i love you, Bruuuu! you're my the best brother that i could possibly have. i was lucky to meet you.
The meanest person i've ever met! but you're so missable. he love his country so much, Estonia. he didn't like to be a "courtesy" people, he will say what he didn't like. he never get angry, even i ever left him in the club (i know i was so mean to you) and he loves niki! i will miss you when you sang "ice cream and cake and cake" i will miss you when you said "Laras, why you so retarteded??" and i will miss your words "hmmm kinda... a bit" with estonian accent. i love you, Heiki.
My sister, my midnight-chat-partner, my lovely brazilian girl. Nathalia such a wise person. i am lucky for being her friend. she likes to scratch me and it reminds me of my mother. she always hold me when we walked together, because she hates to see me walked so slow and i miss the way she called me "Otak Udang". even she only stayed for 2 weeks in our project, but she will stay forever in my heart. i will miss you, Nathalia.
My chinese Fatherrrrrsh! fist time i saw him, he doens't look like a chinese boy, i thought he was from singapore or something, but he's originally from chinese! i'll always remember when you call my name "laRRRRas" you want to prove that not all chinese people can't pronounce R and your jokes about "i'm hungRRRRRRRy" to imitated you-know-who. i will miss you when you put Fuck in every words and i will miss you when we sang Meteor Garden Soundtrack together! i will missssss youuu, Money!
My turkish motherrrrsh! i thought you were a shy girl, but....... i was totally wrong! haha. i remember when you asked to everybody "can we go to the club this weekend?"and it was so funny when you get drunk! you don't even remember that you ate snow. i will miss you when you said ukrainian words with turkish accent, i will miss you when i woke you up and you said "ok, give me 5 minutes to sleep" then you back to sleep again. Ayseeeeeel, we will meet in Istanbul. but i miss you already!!
I know her for almost 4 years, we attended in the same University, in the same faculty, in the same year but in different class. actually, we're not a close friend in university. but since when we arrived here, everything changed! we always together like everyday, we slept together or even took a shower together and we always share everything. even our parents get to know each other and has a good relationship during our internship. Oring Utan! it was so sad when people had no idea about our jokes, we always laughing like a drunk guy next door. i'm so lucky to have you here.
ok, i'll write in Bahasa Indonesia, because it's hard to explain in English.
senaaaaaang banget gue bisa pergi bareng lo kesini, ngurus ini itu bareng-bareng. sampe ribet bareng-bareng. hampir ketinggalan pesawat gara-gara kebodohan dan kesotoyan gue. hahaha. gue bakal kangen banget ribet-ribet kaya gini. mungkin gue suka bikin lo kesel, tapi yaa gitu deh namanya juga scorpio ketemu sama sagitarius (apa sih) gue bakal kangen AADC sama Eiffel i'm in love. kangen ngobrol ngalor ngidul engga jelas, belanja bareng, fitting baju abis belanja. aaaaah ORIIIIIIN! jangan sombong-sombong yaa abis selesai exchange ini. i love you like a love song, baby!
My chacha! .... i started cried when i wrote this part. i remember when i called you Chacha, in the first time i said it you didn't like, because Chacha is the name of georgian vodka (if i'm not mistaken) but today, you love that name that i gave to you! even when you introduced yourself in the opening of language school you said "hello i'm Alexandra, but you can call me Chacha" yes, it sounds better than Shasha right? it will be confusing you when ukrainian people say "what" with "shasha" ehehe
and i remember when you got angry with me and orin because of you had waited us for 30minutes for King Kros! you send this sms "you're lazy interns! i will kick your ass" but, i know you really love us and you can't get angry with us for a long time, right? haha
chacha, i will always remember you. i will miss our gossips time. you will stay in my heart FOREVER! you're my best sister, my best friend. i love you with all my heart! I LOVE YOU VEY VERY VERY MUCH!
Titinaaaaaaaa, my lovely friend! ... oh i can't hold my tears.
you're the second ukrainian people that i met after Andrew who picked us up at the railway station. Titina, you're the loveliest person i've ever know. i remember when you brought me to High Tower and i felt almost die in that time, because i climbed a hundred stairs after that you brought me to High Castle. why you love to bring people to the highest place??? you're so meaaan!
titinaaaa, i will alwaaays love you! i will miss you, miss you food. miss your flat! miss our gossips time. you told me your secret, and i will keep it until i die. I LOVE YOU, TINKAAAAA!
i don't know how to say..... thank you for being my one night movie boy! it was so lovely that we can spent our time together. i love the way you hug me, the way you hold my hands, the way you tell a funny story, the way you play poker, the way you play with Niki, and the way you call me "funny sist". i will miss your silly jokes with and your silly face. i wish i could meet again someday. thank you for sweet memory :)